Anhui Jinko starts production at 8GW TOPCon cell production site
Only 118 days for Phase 1 from construction to production.
Solarbe: China saw 45.74GW of PV module tenders for bidding in 2021
Mono-facial 53%, bifacial 47%; modules >500W account for more than 80% of total.
Average winning price of 440-500W modules is ¥1.645 ($0.2282)/Wp; average T1 winning price ¥1.609 ($0.2232)/Wp while average T2/T3 winning price is ¥1.662 ($0.2305)/Wp.
Average bid price of 500W is ¥1.76 ($0.2441)/Wp; average T1 bid price ¥1.786 ($0.2477)/Wp while average T2/T3 bid price is ¥1.732 ($0.2402)/Wp.
Private renewable energy auction in Colombia shortlists 2.5GW solar and wind projects
Kenyan Company KenGen to start production of solar panels
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