India installed >3GW of solar in Q1, +21% QoQ
Country’s installation totaled 52GW at end March.
Longyuan’s 100MW module procurement tender draws 6 participants
Modules required are BiFi dual-glass half-cut Mono PERC modules with power ≥545Wp and 210mm cells.
Highest bid @ ¥2.026/wp but lowest bid @ ¥1.615/wp. Second lowest bid @ ¥1.91/wp.
Average bid @ ¥1.902/wp (incl lowest bid) or ¥1.96/wp (not incl lowest bid).
50% of modules to be delivered in Q3 and 50% in Q4.
Shenzhen Clean Energy shortlists Jinko and Risen in 25MW module procurement tender, winning bids @ ¥1.93/wp
Specific module specifications and delivery dates were not disclosed.
Zhonghuan plans to invest in ultra thin silicon wafers for 30GW smart factory
Renesola to build a PV manufacturing base in Jiangsu for 5GW modules + 2GW TOPCon cells
Eging confirms that 5GW high-efficiency module project under construction should achieve full production in Sept
By then company’s production capacity will be 5GW cells + 10GW modules.
TotalEnergies to acquire 50% of US renewables player Clearway Energy
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